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Meet the Baseball Tipster

Did you know that Baseball is one of the easiest team sports to analyze? The reason is simple... there are so many sources of statistics, commentary, and information - both on the internet and in books - that a dedicated student of the game can become quite educated.

For those who gamble on baseball, there are numerous resources to help you make your picks, place your bets, and manage your money. Successful gambling requires that all three elements be used in harmony.

We've been analyzing baseball statistics for every regular season game played since the beginning of the 1999 season. Every team, every park, every player, every game, was analyzed. Our database contains several million facts and figures. We analyzed many of the well-publicized modeling methods and improved upon them, until we came up with something unique. We're dedicated to baseball. You won't find us working on anything else (not yet, anyway!). Now, we're ready to share our expertise with the rest of the community.

Why are we here?

Because betting is regulated and is subject to legal restrictions, we will not seek to take your bets. On this site, you will learn various methods of selecting games to bet on. In addition to the research material on this site, you will be offered the opportunity to subscribe to our free "daily pick" email, and our exclusive paid subscription to the "Diamond" club prediction service.

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